I work as a wildlife artist, illustrator and designer. I trained at art school in Paris and London, finishing with a MA from The Royal College of Art in Illustration with an ecology emphasis in 1996. My portfolio includes work produced for publications as well as private commissions, and original artwork sold in group and solo exhibitions.
I am inspired by natural forms and in particular, the wild inhabitants of this world and our delicate co-existence with them. With natural forms, I like to crop closely or find unusual angles to abstract and to reveal in an unexpected way. My hope is that this new dimension creates reflection from the viewer. Through my years of observation, I have been acutely aware that the balance that once existed between ourselves and the natural world is rapidly diminishing. My hope is that if we can celebrate all the beauties of the world, we may take more care to preserve them for future generations. We must remember that as the wilderness is diminshed, humanity is also diminished.

2014 David Shepherd Wildlife Gallery, Surrey Engliand - sold show
2013 Fleming Gallery, TASIS England, Surrey - In(sight) solo show
2004 Memery Crystal Gallery, London - Group exhibition
2002 Space Gallery, London - 'Save The Rhino' Group Exhibition
2002 Coningsby Gallery, London - Fragments solo show
2001 London Zoo Gallery, Lonodn - Primart Group Exhibition on behalf of IPPL
2000 London Zoo Gallery, London - Group Exhibition on behalf of WSPA
1999 Flextech Television Gallery, London - solo show
1997 Blamoral, Scotland - Dian Fossey Ball Group Exhibition and Auction
1997 Christie's, London - Wildlife Art Group Exhibition and Auction
1996 Lauderdale House, London - WSPA Group Exhibition
1996 London Zoo Gallery, London - Save The Tiger Group Exhibition and Auction
1996 Royal College of Art, London - Masters Degree Show
Commissions and Awards
2010 World of Fine Wine - Cover Illustration
2007 Red Ape Project, Sabah, Borneo
2004 Environmental Learning Institute - Expedition Artist, Rescue and Rehab Centre, Napo River, Ecuador
2002 Tales of Indian Nights - Interior Illustrations, Barry Rose Publications
2001 Norton Rose Brochure - Illustrations, AGA Advertising Group Ltd
2001 Spells for Cats - Cover and interior illustrations, Kyle Cathie Publication
2000 25 Most Endangered Primates - Illustrations, Brush with Nature Production
1999 Touching Wildlife - Interior illustrations, Konemann Publication
1995 WWF - Expedition Artist, Okwango Rainforest, Nigeria/Cameroon
1995 Society of Wildlife Artists - Lloyds Bank Young Artists Travel Award
1994 City & Guilds of London Art School - Purdoe Watercolour Award and Illustration Prize
1994 The Bewick Society, London - Young Engraver Award
1996 Royal College of Art, London - MA Illustration, Natural History and Ecology
1994 City & Guilds of London Art School - Illustrative Arts, First Class Hons
1992 Parsons School of Design, Paris - BFA Illustration course
1990 University of California - 1st year of Fine Art BA course